Poi Dog Rescue’s ability to help dogs depends on donations! Although an initial founding grant provided funding for start-up, the number of dogs we are able to rescue is directly limited by our funding and in-kind resources.

Support us financially through donations
Make a one time or recurring donation via yellow donate button below. It is greatly appreciated and tax deductible to most US taxpayers. All funds go towards the care of the animals. Yellow donate button below takes you to PayPal link for a donation made directly to Poi Dog Rescue minus their processing fees and the rescue receives immediately. Please use the yellow donate button if you are making a donation for a dog adoption.
Support Poi Dog Rescue via the smile.amazon.com site which direct 0.5% of your Amazon purchases to the charity of your choice. Just designate “Poi Dog Rescue” when signing in to your amazon account.
Send us in-kind donation of needed pet supplies via our wish lists for [Amazon] [Chewy] [Petsmart] [Pets.com]
You can donate via the PayPal Giving network link here. Please note while there are no fees involved from PayPal for processing donation it can take up to 30 days for the rescue to receive.
Send us actual pet supplies to our physical address. See our wish lists above for needed items.

We always need dog loving volunteers. Currently we need help with airport transportation, dog socialization, and foster families.
Charity solicitation disclosure
Poi Dog Rescue of Bellingham is registered, as required by law, with the Washington State Secretary of State Charities Program. To verify registration, and see additional information about Poi Dog Rescue including verification of IRS 501(c)(3) determination, visit the Washington State Secretary of State website at https://www.sos.wa.gov/charities or call them at +1 800-332-4483.